Role-Playing Resource: The Internet Medieval Sourcebook

I ran across a great resource for medieval role-playing games and I thought I would share. Fordham University maintains the excellent  “Internet Medieval Sourcebook” and it is definitely worth a look.   The archive contains hundreds of links Internet Medieval Sourcebookto everything from Anglo-Saxon literature to the Barcelona Maritime Code and just about anything else you can imagine in-between. The archive’s most important feature is it links to complete texts, not just summaries. I always find the raw data more valuable than summaries or second-hand interpretations.

I will not promise any exciting reading in the archive, but it is chock full of cool game materials and realia. Whenever a king releases an edict regarding maritime law, inheritance of property  or, my personal favorite, rules  for  Trail by Ordeal, you can actually use the real thing. Fun!

Trask, The Last Tyromancer



Trask is a long-time gamer, world traveler and history buff. He hopes that his scribblings will both inform and advance gaming as a hobby.