How to Get Girls to the Gaming Table – and Keep Them Coming Back
This is the first in a series of guest posts from independent game publishers on Today’s post comes from
Read moreThis is the first in a series of guest posts from independent game publishers on Today’s post comes from
Read moreI am not one for psychic powers, but I am a firm believer in trend prediction and extrapolations based on
Read moreUpdate: Welcome Stumblers! If you are interested in this post, then you should also check out The Tale of Jacques,
Read moreI will admit it. In all the iterations of Dungeons and Dragons, I never purchased the Manual of the Planes.
Read moreStorytelling is at the heart of every role-playing game. Think of the game master as a director and the players as actors in a very dynamic piece of theatre. Though, they are not in total control. Chance plays a part in this play as well. Gamers use a rules system (usually dice based) to determine success or failure and add an element of risk to the game experience. When the story is original an exciting and the rules serve to advance the story, all is well.
Sadly, that is often not the case. Games with amazing stories often endure grossly inappropriate rules that bury exciting worlds in terrible mechanics.
Read moreJust a quick post to point you towards an excellent Penny-Arcade gaming cartoon. Staring into the Gaming Abyss Trask, the
Read moreThe “Malleus Maleficarum” or “The Hammer of Witches” is a 15th century tome describing the methods and practices of witches.
Read moreSometimes I am moved to tears by the chronic stereotyping of gamers. Rarely do you see, happy, well-adjusted gamers on
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